competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Competition Success Review

 Competition Success Review

Competition Success Review published this article page no 2 he has adopted the notion that all he had to do is win by one vote and the power was his to effectuate and do whatever he wanted to. for six years he has been right. the congress has essentially rubber-stamped everything the president has asked for and he has not been held accountable for the false assumptions under which the war in iraq was initially waged. next week will be the first time to hold the president accountable for the mismanagement of the war over the last three years. what kind of conservative is the president? he has outspent any liberal democratic president in history mounting up deficits at a rate that a drunken sailor would envy. he gave tax cuts to the rich and financed the cuts through deficit spending by borrowing the money from japan china and europe and leaving the unpaid burden to our children to worry about. does this make sense to you? if you are going to give tax cuts shouldnt your budget be in surplus first. he has chosen to cut all spending for stem cell research to protect the rights of the unborn yet doesnt believe in programs for the poor. a third of this country is running around without even the most basic health insurance and hes protecting the rights of the unborn. he doesnt want the government to fund abortions. okay but think about this. without abortions over the last generation there would have been 20 million unloved uncared for additional children born in america. it would not have affected the rich they always had access to abortions and always will regardless of the law. where would we be today with such a policy? if you want to argue that these unborn children would have been adopted and cared for i have one word for you sure. there are already hundreds of thousands of abused children going through our foster care system that nobody wants. the president would have added 20 million more Subscribe online.

 Competition Success Review

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