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Monday, January 29, 2024

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine published this article page no 17 this article was published in the magazine new fly ash utilization rules for coal and lignite based thermal power plants why in news the ministry of environment forests and climate change (moefcc) has extended fly ash utilization deadline for thermal power plants with the introduction of penalties for noncompliance. composition generation and utilization of fly ash in india fly ash is a by-product of coalbased power generation. shine india monthly magazine telugu it is a fine powder with substantial amounts of oxides of silica aluminium and calcium. it also contains traces of arsenic boron chromium lead etc. which leads to air and water pollution if disposed on land. with low grade of indian coal its ash content is as high as 30-45% in comparison to imported coal with 10- 15%. with nearly 55% of our total power production through coal and lignite based thermal power plants (tpp) the fly ash generation in india is very high shine india monthly magazine subscription.

shine india monthly magazine

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