competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Thursday, December 30, 2021

you and i magazine

you and i magazine 

you and i magazine Published this article page no  49 We must choose who our personal candidate will be, and not told who they will be.  Voting is as much an exercise of freewill as anything.  Rights come with responsibilities.  We, then, need to be responsible in how we make the decision.  In order to exercise our right to vote, it is incumbent upon us to turn away from the glitz and glamour of the political "red carpet" back to the organic nature of true democratic process.   Voting is a private decision albeit one that has public rewards or consequences, or both.  Our individual votes determine who will decide  how we will live as a nation and what our role in the world will be.  It is not a decision that should be taken lightly or left up to someone else to make for us because ultimately, the choice is ours and we will be held accountable before GOD for it you and i magazine online buy. 


you and i magazine 

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