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Wednesday, August 4, 2021

banking service chronicle august 2019 pdf

banking service chronicle august 2019 pdf 

banking service chronicle august 2019 pdf  Published this article page no    Bush hates basic civil liberties enshrined in the U.S. Constitution. He prefers the unrestrained powers of monarchies and fascist states. DETROIT  The regime has already produced so many ignominious legacies that historians in the near future will be able to feast on the task of measuring the damage from the wretched deeds the Busheviks have wrought. Certainly the unnecessary preemptive war in Iraq sold with lies will echo for generations as a symbol of Americas failed experiment in empire cloaked as proselytizing democracy. Our actions in Iraq have created a terrorist breedingground that makes George W. Bush the greatest friend alQaeda leaders will ever have. Unsustainable budget deficits used to fund tax cuts for the rich and create fiscal havoc will be a legacy that will leave our children with an unconscionable burden. Slashing programs for the poor will do the obvious create more poverty and more misery for people living on the margins especially children. Bush a child of the opportunities flowing from family privilege has presided over an era of declining economic opportunities for workingclass Americans. Real wages have declined manufacturing jobs have vanished and the trade deficit isnt sustainable. Fortyfive million Americans are without health insurance and each day more working people are losing their health benefits or being forced to pay significantly more for them. The administration is systematically defiling the environment and refuses to recognize the threat of global warming. Real science is ignored and pseudoscience is nurtured. Rivaling all of those horrors though is the assault on human rights and constitutional protections the Busheviks are waging selling it as a way to keep us safe from lurking terrorists. Whether with enemy combatants or with our own citizens the effort to deprive people of fundamental rights has been relentless dangerous and an affront to our national tradition that bows to no king and resists tyranny. The Republicans who run the Congress have shown little willingness to challenge the presidents claims to do just anything he wants with suspected terrorists. Detention without charges torture and secret prisons  these are tactics more suitable for Stalin than a successor to Thomas Jefferson Abraham Lincoln and Jimmy Carter. What Bush has done to trample on individual liberties may well be what historians see as his most egregious political perversion. American citizen Jose Padilla spent three years in prison without being charged with a crime. No magistrate or judge reviewed the governments reasons for incarcerating Padilla or considered any facts in the case. Padilla was jailed because Bush declared himself a king with the authority to jail citizens because he alone deems they are threats and enemies. No president has ever before claimed this blanket authority. Bush disregarded the constitutional guarantee of the right to a speedy and public trial. The fundamental civil liberties enshrined in the Constitution did not apply to Padilla because Bush said they should not. Originally the Justice Department claimed that Padilla planned to detonate a dirty bomb  a crude nuclear device that would release radioactive materials on an American city. John Ashcroft then attorney general said Padilla was a trained terrorist on a mission to kill thousands. When Padilla also known as Abdullah AlMuhajir was taken into custody at Chicagos OHare Airport in 2002 Ashcroft described just how dangerous his captive was saying Let me be clear We know from multiple independent and corroborated sources that Abdullah AlMuhajir was closely associated with alQaeda and that as an alQaeda operative he was involved in planning future terrorist attacks on innocent American civilians in the United States. On the strength of that assertion the Brooklynborn Padilla was declared an illegal enemy combatant and shipped off to a military prison in South Carolina. In 2004 Padilla finally did get to talk to lawyers. They went into federal court challenging Bushs claim that he can imprison and detain people indefinitely and that citizens accused of terrorism cannot be dealt with through the criminal justice system. The government released a document claiming Padilla was involved in a plot to blow up apartment buildings in Chicago. Not quite a nuclear weapon but certainly a disturbing accusation. Padillas case was heading to the U.S. Supreme Court after the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals a known legal bastion for the executivecandoanything school upheld Bushs position. Supreme Court justices are not prone to toss out the Constitution and in effect declare that in dealing with suspected terrorists the president is king. The Justice Department charged Padilla but not with being the dirty bomb delivery boy or as a known terrorist an apartment bomber or anything remotely related to planning future terrorist attacks on innocent American civilians in the United States. Padilla was charged in a criminal indictment with aiding terrorists and conspiracy to murder U.S. nationals overseas. But wait. We were told only the military could handle the case. This man was plotting domestic terrorist attacks. Whats this overseas crap Padillas lawyers still want the Supreme Court to hear his case. Bushs propensity to dispense with the Constitution must be stopped. Padilla is no saint. Hes a street thug. But hes entitled to the protections the Constitution provides all criminal defendants. The Busheviks while claiming to export freedom to Iraq are threatening it at home with the greatest assault ever on the civil liberties enshrined in the Constitution. At long last a handful of lawmakers are resisting the renewal of provisions of the horribly misnamed Patriot Act without specific assurances that civil liberties will be protected. Sen. Russ Feingold DWis. the only member of the Senate to vote against the original law is getting some company in his threat to filibuster the renewal unless it goes far enough in making reasonable changes to the original law to protect innocent people from unnecessary and intrusive government surveillance. A bipartisan group of senators is now working to curb the flirtation with fascism found in many provisions of the law. So far Hillary Clinton Chuck Schumer John Kerry Joe Biden and Teddy Kennedy are not among them. Several individual European nations and Europes top human rights watchdog are investigating the CIAs secret detention centers suspected to have operated in Poland and Romania. CIA planes are believed to have landed at several airports in European nations while transporting suspected al Qaeda members to the secret prisons. Council of Europe the EUs human rights organization finds the claims extremely worrying. Satellite photographs are being examined to verify the CIA flights and landings. Torture is suspected of being routinely used at the secret prisons operating outside any independent inspections. European Human Rights Commissioner Alvaro GilRobles told a French news agency Such practices would constitute a serious human rights violation and further proof of the crisis of values that the use of certain methods in the fight against terrorism is proving. The crisis of values is at the heart of the Busheviks support of torture and their disdain for basic human liberties. That may well be their most horrible and lasting legacy. banking service chronicle august 2019 pdf

banking service chronicle august 2019 pdf 

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