competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Friday, August 27, 2021

banking services chronicle e magazine

 banking services chronicle e magazine

Published this article banking services chronicle e magazine  Are you a handyman by trade? If so it is likely that you have grown accustomed to carrying your tools around with you wherever you go. In fact there is also a chance that you may need to travel with them. Whether you are traveling for business purposes or not it is important to know that the airline industry as a specific set of air travel rules concerning tools. If you are planning on brining your tools along with you you will want to take the time to famialrize yourself with these rules. Doing so may prove helpful in more ways than one. Before examining the tools that are not allowed aboard an airline and those that are it is important to know one thing there are different types of rules. Most airlines do not strictly prohibit you from carry tools with you but they do restrict you from carry them at certain times. For instance you will find that a large number of tools can be stored in your checked baggage but they are prohibited from being stored in your carryon luggage. If at anytime you are confused about these bans you are advised to contact your airline for additional information http// . One group of tools that are banned from carryon luggage includes sharp objects. With the recent focus on airport security you should already be well aware of this type of ban. Saws saw blades drills and box cutters are banned from all airplane cabins. Essentially this means that you cannot store these items in your carryon luggage however they can be packed in your checked baggage. Since all baggage including the bags that you do not plan on keeping with you at all times needs to be searched you are advised to properly secure these tools. Not doing so may result in an air airline employee receiving an injury that could have been prevented. In addition to tools with sharp edges there is also a carryon luggage ban on tools that could be used as a deadly weapon. These tools include axes hatchets cattle prods hammers and crowbars. This ban is mostly imposed due to the size and weight of these items. As with most other tools the airline industry will allow you to store these heavy tools in your checked baggage. Although it may seem as if all tools are banned from your carryon luggage that is not the case. There are a number of tools can be stored in your carryon luggage. These tools commonly include screwdrivers and pliers. Additional tools may also be allowed but they must not have been mentioned above. It is also required that these tools be no more than seven inches long. In the event that they are longer than seven inches you will have to make additional accommodations. Despite the fact that certain tools can be stored in your carryon luggage it may be a good idea to put these items in your checked baggage or leave them at home. Even though these items are allowed you may raise suspicion from having them with you aboard a plane. That suspicion may not necessity come from airport security officials but it may come from other passengers. With the way that the world works today it may be best if you refrain from including these tools in your carryon luggage unless you absolutely need them. banking services chronicle e magazine

banking service chronicle monthly current affairs

 banking service chronicle monthly current affairs 

Published this article : banking service chronicle monthly current affairs  When it comes to air travel many travelers are more concerned with their carryon luggage than they are with their bags that will be handed over to airport staff. These bags commonly referred to as checked baggage are just as important if not more important than your carryon luggage. For this reason there are a number of different factors that you should take into consideration when packing your bags for your next flight. One mistake that many travelers make when it comes to checked baggage is including prohibited items in their bag. In addition to prohibited items there have also been instances of travelers trying to hide illegal items in their checked luggage. Although it may seem like a good idea at the time it isnt. In fact with todays airport security screening it is virtually impossible for you to get away with storing prohibited or illegal items inside your checked baggage more information http// . This is mostly due to the fact that the screening process has dramatically changed from what it was in the past say ten years ago. In the past certain airlines only randomly searched checked baggage. Many times these searches were only implemented if airline officials or airport security had probable cause. Today all bags are checked including your checked luggage. Most checks will quickly be done but in some cases more extensive searches may be conducted. A quick check of your luggage may include rummaging through all of your belongings looking for anything out of the ordinary. An extensive search could include searching all of your clothing pockets and baggage compartments. In the event that you are subject to one of those checks it is likely that you will be caught if you are trying to conceal a cigarette lighter or other prohibited items. Since your bags will be checked all of them you are advised against locking your baggage before heading to the airport. After your bags have been properly screened some airlines will allow you to replace the locks on your checked baggage but not all will. For this reason you may want to reconsider storing expensive items such as electronic equipment in your bags. In addition to the possibility of theft you will find that items packed inside your checked luggage are at a higher risk for being damaged then those that are in your carryon bags. When packing your bags which will be checked at the airport it is also advised that you carefully pack them. There are a number of items including sharp objects which are prohibited from being stored in your carryon luggage but those items can be placed in your checked baggage. As previously mentioned airport security will likely examine those bags. Even during a quick examination they will rummage through your belongings. For that reason you are advised to properly package and secure all items that can be considered dangerous such as those with sharp edges or points. This extra precaution may not only affect your safety when you to go unpack your bags but the safety of all airport security officials especially those screening your luggage. By taking the time to famialrize yourself with all travel rules including the airport screening process you should be able to pack your bags for your next flight the right way. The wrong way although you may not necessarily think about it at the time could have serious consequences. banking service chronicle monthly current affairs

 banking service chronicle monthly current affairs 

Friday, August 6, 2021

online test series for ibps specialist officer

  online test series for ibps specialist officer

online test series for ibps specialist officer Although the IRS has an excellent web site, you can’t download 1099 forms off of it. The official forms are still multi-layered carbon paper, which means you need to get a physical copy. The IRS should send you the forms in the mail. If they don’t, you can order them off the IRS site or call the IRS to have them sent to you. Online Test Series for Ibps Specialist officer  Exams  If all else fails, you can usually find the forms at major post office and public library locations. If you fail to file 1099s, the IRS will penalize you $50 per 1099.  More than a few people have grumbled about filling out 1099s so early in the year, but doing so has indirect benefits. You are forced to start organizing your records for 2005 ibps so test series.

 online test series for ibps specialist officer

ibps specialist officer exam

 ibps specialist officer exam

ibps specialist officer exam Accounts Payable Outsourcing: things you need to check out Clearing all outstanding dues and accounts is very important for the success of a business. If you find handling accounts payable a difficult task, ibps exam go for accounts payable outsourcing. This is a guaranteed means to give you peace of mind. Every individual running a business wants to be free of the burden of paying money which they owe to anyone as soon as possible. ibps recruitment Accounts payable literally means the money which a business owes to sellers for products and services which have been bought from them on credit. If not paid in time accounts payable can pile up and spell trouble for any business. If you are finding it difficult to keep a track of the amount of your accounts payable, then get accounts payable outsourcing service from an outsourcing company. This is the perfect way to deal with this condition ibps s.o.

 ibps specialist officer exam

ibps specialist officer mock test

 ibps specialist officer mock test

ibps specialist officer mock test When you are running a business, keeping track and managing of things like accounts payable, can become very demanding and hectic. Nonetheless this is an important aspect of any business process and has to done and done in time. Accounts payable outsourcing services are offered by many companies which deal with finance and accounting outsourcing. ibps specialist officer mock test The best way for searching a firm providing accounts payable outsourcing services is through the internet. The internet is a storehouse of information, and all you will have to do go online and search for information. The numerous options which you will find in the internet can confuse you. Take some time out from your busy schedule and do a proper research about the companies offer accounts payable outsourcing to clients. I am sure you want the best services for your business. Get an in depth analysis of the services offered by the firm before you actually decide to take up services from the company ibps so online test.

ibps specialist officer mock test

Thursday, August 5, 2021

competition success review contact

 competition success review contact

competition success review contact Published this article :  In the times of yesteryear when Prophet Muhammad banded together the followers of Islam into a single economic and political group people associated their livelihoods with their tribe. Purchasing selling earning money was predominately transacted through the ideology that the tribe must thrive and dominate. As Islam became more important it was evident that it superceded any consideration to the needs of other entities. Islam became the new standard of economic activity. As the borders of the Muslim world increased so did its economic strength. Eventually it was the most powerful entity on the Earth. In modern times Muslim countries live in great poverty. Even though there are a number of wealthy pockets to be found the vast majority have a difficult time feeding their children or building necessary infrastructure improvements. Why is this so? The reasons lie in the assumption of nationalisms superiority over Islam. In Islams past there was no concept of country and national currency. Instead each city was viewed as a small state that lived and worked in the collective of the Muslim world. At that time the concept was revolutionary and lead to a great many economic changes. The Christian world was still squabbling and fighting wars against each other furthering the economic drain on their local economies. They therefore could not compete against Muslims effectively. The Muslims had a central authority that made great strides in reducing internal squabbles. Therefore when they acted they could do so in a uniform manner. Today the situation is reversed. The wealth countries of Europe have banded together in terms of economic treaties and military collaboration. The United Nations the European Union and FTAA are all examples of this collaborated effort. This spirit of working together mitigates any internal structures they have by virtue of utilizing one of these larger organizations to arbitrate. The Muslim world to its dismay has reduced itself to internal squabbling and the active undermining of each other. The only way to reverse the Muslim misfortune is to change our entire way of viewing business. Islamic principles of fairness hard work and collective effort need to evolve. The concept of nationalism needs to be viewed as outdated and the concept of the singular Ummah (community) should take its place. By working together the people can utilize their untapped wealth in terms of knowledge and natural resources to develop something for the betterment of all. Countries like Saudia Arabia who desire a more secure food source could invest in those countries with fertile soil but little capital wealth. Trade barriers between nations can be reduced to assure that easy flow of goods and money is possible. Leadership could be made accountable for the increasing the viability of not only their nation but that of their neighbors. In essence the promotion of a singular Muslim currency and governmental body is necessary if any meaningful reform is going to take place. The structural governmental body would be much like that found under the European Union but with substantial Islamic improvements. Individual and national agendas would not be given full weight nor shall economic improvements be subject to corruption. Internal control would have to be developed that would help solve some of those problems that thrive in the Muslim world. competition success review contact

 competition success review contact

competition success review year book 2020 pdf download

competition success review year book 2020 pdf download 

competition success review year book 2020 pdf download Published this article :  On any given day the weather trend is usually the first subject of conversation. During the past month anywhere you go in the United States the price of gasoline has become a primary topic to complain about. Most people and businesses feel helpless when looking toward winters fuel bills. Will dispensing oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve help us? If you think short-term – Yes it will help temporarily. In fact you can expect to see products and services increase in price due to the price of fuel and transportation. This is only the beginning of economic change. Many of the Mom and Pop businesses may not be able to adapt fast enough to handle the upcoming heating bills. Many of the local businesses in my area are still smarting from last winters fuel bills. So what can we do? There has been a flood of Emails that tell us to boycott a particular oil company but nobody can agree on exactly which company to boycott. Most oil companies are considered greedy corporate giants with questionable political agendas by the consumers. If we are going to be driven out of business and into an economic disaster it is time to declare economic warfare on the largest oil companies. Sorry to choose such strong words and opinions but this has gone on long enough. Osama Bin Laden may not feel that you are paying enough at the pump but you dont have his millions to pay your fuel bills with. There is also an effort to stop buying gasoline on a particular day. Every business deals with ups and downs but you have to come back to the pump a day of poor sales isnt going to matter to multi-millionaires. However a month or a season will wake them up. If we made a serious commitment to walk or bike more we would all be healthier and send a message to the oil companies. Granted many of us commute great distances to get to work but taking the car around the block to pick up a half-gallon of milk is ridiculous. A little self-discipline goes a long way. Get rid of all gas guzzlers and dont even think of buying one. Does anyone really need a 5.7 liter hemi? What are the auto manufacturers thinking? This is total gluttony and we all know that the worlds oil reserves will run out so lets conserve what we have. In your home or business you should insulate everything possible. Many people and businesses already have done this but heat is becoming too precious a commodity to take for granted. Write your local legislators about alternative fuel sources. Let them know this is an important election issue. They have all sat on their rear ends long enough. Foreign oil dependence has become our foreign policy its time to become self sufficient. The oil companies are currently engaged in price gouging but we are not helpless. If we conserve and get some action from government it will be for the common good. competition success review year book 2020 pdf download

competition success review year book 2020 pdf download

competition success review year book 2020 pdf download

competition success review year book 2020 pdf download Published this article :  Several months have passed since Russia announced that it would be ready to take Irans uranium for enriching process. This could have been a feasible solution to long thorny nuclear crisis. Apparently few persons do not know that there are suffice reasons to assume that Iran intends to acquire nuclear weapons yet at the same time Iran continues to claim that it needs nuclear energy for peaceful purposes only. Most of the representatives of Western countries that participate in negotiations with Iran on this issue claimed that it was a reasonable solution to the stalemate in the crisis. Moreover it looked like Iran might be inclined accept this solution as well. Even if Iran agreed on Russian proposals there is no guarantee that this would be an effective solution for the long term period. One must remember that Iran had been developing nuclear program secretly before it was revealed several years ago.  Even if most of Iranian nuclear program was transferred to Russia Iran would still have suffice resources knowledge professionals and above all-will to produce nuclear weapon. If one takes into account past experience then it is possible to draw the conclusion that Iran will continue its efforts to acquire nuclear weapons whatever solutions other countries and nations might provide. Iran is determined to become regional superpower. Few persons who are know current social economic and political situation in this region would doubt that Iran has all reasons to transform itself into the strongest military power in the region. It has comparatively modern and highly-equipped army as well as large resources of oil and other energy sources. As one can judge by current internal situation in Iran some hardliners and conservatives might believe that Iran should acquire nuclear weapons in order to enhance its power in the world. Neither there are substantial grounds to believe that Iran will inform other nations about its decisions in the future. So what steps must be taken to resolve the issue?! In order to answer this question one should differentiate between long-term and short-range prospects. Apparently none of current proposals is fully acceptable for all nations that participate in negotiations. Productive progress can be possible only if there are some valuable concessions from Western countries. Concessions such as concrete proposals to resolve some economic and social problems in Iran in return for the abandoning of nuclear ambitions of the country might help to resolve this protracted and very dangerous crisis. competition success review year book 2020 pdf download

competition success review year book 2020 pdf download

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

banking service chronicle august 2019 pdf

banking service chronicle august 2019 pdf 

banking service chronicle august 2019 pdf  Published this article page no    Bush hates basic civil liberties enshrined in the U.S. Constitution. He prefers the unrestrained powers of monarchies and fascist states. DETROIT  The regime has already produced so many ignominious legacies that historians in the near future will be able to feast on the task of measuring the damage from the wretched deeds the Busheviks have wrought. Certainly the unnecessary preemptive war in Iraq sold with lies will echo for generations as a symbol of Americas failed experiment in empire cloaked as proselytizing democracy. Our actions in Iraq have created a terrorist breedingground that makes George W. Bush the greatest friend alQaeda leaders will ever have. Unsustainable budget deficits used to fund tax cuts for the rich and create fiscal havoc will be a legacy that will leave our children with an unconscionable burden. Slashing programs for the poor will do the obvious create more poverty and more misery for people living on the margins especially children. Bush a child of the opportunities flowing from family privilege has presided over an era of declining economic opportunities for workingclass Americans. Real wages have declined manufacturing jobs have vanished and the trade deficit isnt sustainable. Fortyfive million Americans are without health insurance and each day more working people are losing their health benefits or being forced to pay significantly more for them. The administration is systematically defiling the environment and refuses to recognize the threat of global warming. Real science is ignored and pseudoscience is nurtured. Rivaling all of those horrors though is the assault on human rights and constitutional protections the Busheviks are waging selling it as a way to keep us safe from lurking terrorists. Whether with enemy combatants or with our own citizens the effort to deprive people of fundamental rights has been relentless dangerous and an affront to our national tradition that bows to no king and resists tyranny. The Republicans who run the Congress have shown little willingness to challenge the presidents claims to do just anything he wants with suspected terrorists. Detention without charges torture and secret prisons  these are tactics more suitable for Stalin than a successor to Thomas Jefferson Abraham Lincoln and Jimmy Carter. What Bush has done to trample on individual liberties may well be what historians see as his most egregious political perversion. American citizen Jose Padilla spent three years in prison without being charged with a crime. No magistrate or judge reviewed the governments reasons for incarcerating Padilla or considered any facts in the case. Padilla was jailed because Bush declared himself a king with the authority to jail citizens because he alone deems they are threats and enemies. No president has ever before claimed this blanket authority. Bush disregarded the constitutional guarantee of the right to a speedy and public trial. The fundamental civil liberties enshrined in the Constitution did not apply to Padilla because Bush said they should not. Originally the Justice Department claimed that Padilla planned to detonate a dirty bomb  a crude nuclear device that would release radioactive materials on an American city. John Ashcroft then attorney general said Padilla was a trained terrorist on a mission to kill thousands. When Padilla also known as Abdullah AlMuhajir was taken into custody at Chicagos OHare Airport in 2002 Ashcroft described just how dangerous his captive was saying Let me be clear We know from multiple independent and corroborated sources that Abdullah AlMuhajir was closely associated with alQaeda and that as an alQaeda operative he was involved in planning future terrorist attacks on innocent American civilians in the United States. On the strength of that assertion the Brooklynborn Padilla was declared an illegal enemy combatant and shipped off to a military prison in South Carolina. In 2004 Padilla finally did get to talk to lawyers. They went into federal court challenging Bushs claim that he can imprison and detain people indefinitely and that citizens accused of terrorism cannot be dealt with through the criminal justice system. The government released a document claiming Padilla was involved in a plot to blow up apartment buildings in Chicago. Not quite a nuclear weapon but certainly a disturbing accusation. Padillas case was heading to the U.S. Supreme Court after the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals a known legal bastion for the executivecandoanything school upheld Bushs position. Supreme Court justices are not prone to toss out the Constitution and in effect declare that in dealing with suspected terrorists the president is king. The Justice Department charged Padilla but not with being the dirty bomb delivery boy or as a known terrorist an apartment bomber or anything remotely related to planning future terrorist attacks on innocent American civilians in the United States. Padilla was charged in a criminal indictment with aiding terrorists and conspiracy to murder U.S. nationals overseas. But wait. We were told only the military could handle the case. This man was plotting domestic terrorist attacks. Whats this overseas crap Padillas lawyers still want the Supreme Court to hear his case. Bushs propensity to dispense with the Constitution must be stopped. Padilla is no saint. Hes a street thug. But hes entitled to the protections the Constitution provides all criminal defendants. The Busheviks while claiming to export freedom to Iraq are threatening it at home with the greatest assault ever on the civil liberties enshrined in the Constitution. At long last a handful of lawmakers are resisting the renewal of provisions of the horribly misnamed Patriot Act without specific assurances that civil liberties will be protected. Sen. Russ Feingold DWis. the only member of the Senate to vote against the original law is getting some company in his threat to filibuster the renewal unless it goes far enough in making reasonable changes to the original law to protect innocent people from unnecessary and intrusive government surveillance. A bipartisan group of senators is now working to curb the flirtation with fascism found in many provisions of the law. So far Hillary Clinton Chuck Schumer John Kerry Joe Biden and Teddy Kennedy are not among them. Several individual European nations and Europes top human rights watchdog are investigating the CIAs secret detention centers suspected to have operated in Poland and Romania. CIA planes are believed to have landed at several airports in European nations while transporting suspected al Qaeda members to the secret prisons. Council of Europe the EUs human rights organization finds the claims extremely worrying. Satellite photographs are being examined to verify the CIA flights and landings. Torture is suspected of being routinely used at the secret prisons operating outside any independent inspections. European Human Rights Commissioner Alvaro GilRobles told a French news agency Such practices would constitute a serious human rights violation and further proof of the crisis of values that the use of certain methods in the fight against terrorism is proving. The crisis of values is at the heart of the Busheviks support of torture and their disdain for basic human liberties. That may well be their most horrible and lasting legacy. banking service chronicle august 2019 pdf

banking service chronicle august 2019 pdf 

banking services chronicle august 2020

 banking services chronicle august 2020

banking services chronicle august 2020  Published this article page no    Politics in all its forms has failed. The notion that we can safely and successfully hand over the management of our daily lives and the setting of priorities to a political class or elite is thoroughly discredited. The thin and precarious crust of decency is all that separates any civilization however impressive from the hell of anarchy or systematic tyranny which lie in wait beneath the surface. Aldous Leonard Huxley 18941963 British writer I. Overview of Theories of Anarchism Politics in all its forms has failed. The notion that we can safely and successfully hand over the management of our daily lives and the setting of priorities to a political class or elite is thoroughly discredited. Politicians cannot be trusted regardless of the system in which they operate. No set of constraints checks and balances is proved to work and mitigate their unconscionable acts and the pernicious effects these have on our welfare and longevity. Ideologies  from the benign to the malign and from the divine to the pedestrian  have driven the gullible human race to the verge of annihilation and back. Participatory democracies have degenerated everywhere into venal plutocracies. Socialism and its poisoned fruits  MarxismLeninism Stalinism Maoism  have wrought misery on a scale unprecedented even by medieval standards. Only Fascism and Nazism compare with them unfavorably. The idea of the nationstate culminated in the Yugoslav succession wars. It is time to seriously consider a muchderided and decried alternative anarchism. Anarchism is often mistaken for leftwing thinking or the advocacy of anarchy. It is neither. If anything the libertarian strain in anarchism makes it closer to the right. Anarchism is an umbrella term covering disparate social and political theories  among them classic or cooperative anarchism postulated by William Godwin and later Pierre Joseph Proudhon radical individualism Max Stirner religious anarchism Leo Tolstoy anarchocommunism Kropotkin and anarchosyndicalism educational anarchism Paul Goodman and communitarian anarchism Daniel Guerin. The narrow and familiar form of political anarchism springs from the belief that human communities can survive and thrive through voluntary cooperation without a coercive central government. Politics corrupt and subvert Mans good and noble nature. Governments are instruments of selfenrichment and selfaggrandizement and the reification and embodiment of said subversion. The logical outcome is to call for the overthrow of all political systems as Michael Bakunin suggested. Governments should therefore be opposed by any and all means including violent action. What should replace the state There is little agreement among anarchists biblical authority  Tolstoy self regulating coopertaives of craftsmen Proudhon a federation of voluntary associations Bakunin trade unions anarchosyndicalists ideal communism Kropotkin. What is common to this smorgasbord is the affirmation of freedom as the most fundamental value. Justice equality and welfare cannot be sustained without it. The state and its oppressive mechanisms is incompatible with it. Figures of authority and the ruling classes are bound to abuse their remit and use the instruments of government to further and enforce their own interests. The state is conceived and laws are enacted for this explicit purpose of gross and unjust exploitation. The state perpetrates violence and is the cause rather than the cure of most social ills. Anarchists believe that human beings are perfectly capable of rational selfgovernment. In the Utopia of anarchism individuals choose to belong to society or to exclude themselves from it. Rules are adopted by agreement of all the memberscitizens through direct participation in voting. Similar to participatory democracy holders of offices can be recalled by constituents. It is important to emphasize that  ... Anarchism does not preclude social organization social order or rules the appropriate delegation of authority or even of certain forms of government as long as this is distinguished from the state and as long as it is administrative and not oppressive coercive or bureaucratic. Honderich Ted ed.  The Oxford Companion to Philosophy  Oxford University Press New York 1995  p. 31 Anarchists are not opposed to organization law and order or the existence of authority. They are against the usurpation of power by individuals or by classes groups of individuals for personal gain through the subjugation and exploitation however subtle and disguised of other less fortunate people. Every social arrangement and institution should be put to the dual acid tests of personal autonomy and freedom and moral law. If it fails either of the two it should be promptly abolished. II. Contradictions in Anarchism Anarchism is not prescriptive. Anarchists believe that the voluntary members of each and every society should decide the details of the order and functioning of their own community. Consequently anarchism provides no coherent recipe on how to construct the ideal community. This of course is its Achilles heel. Consider crime. Anarchists of all stripes agree that people have the right to exercise selfdefense by organizing voluntarily to suppress malfeasance and put away criminals. Yet is this not the very quiddity of the oppressive state its laws police prisons and army Are the origins of the coercive state and its justification not firmly rooted in the need to confront evil Some anarchists believe in changing society through violence. Are these anarchoterrorists criminals or freedom fighters If they are opposed by voluntary grassroots vigilante organizations in the best of anarchist tradition  should they fight back and thus frustrate the authentic will of the people whose welfare they claim to be seeking Anarchism is a chicken and egg proposition. It is predicated on peoples welldeveloped sense of responsibility and grounded in their natural morality. Yet all anarchists admit that these endowments are decimated by millennia of statal repression. Life in anarchism is therefore aimed at restoring the very preconditions to life in anarchism. Anarchism seeks to restore its constituents ethical constitution  without which there can be no anarchism in the first place. This selfdefeating bootstrapping leads to convoluted and halfbaked transitory phases between the nationstate and pure anarchism hence anarchosyndicalism and some forms of protoCommunism. Primitivist and green anarchists reject technology globalization and capitalism as well as the state. Yet globalization technology and capitalism are as much in opposition to the classical hermetic nationstate as is philosophical anarchism. They are manifestly less coercive and more voluntary too. This blanket defiance of everything modern introduces insoluble contradictions into the theory and practice of late twentieth century anarchism. Indeed the term anarchism has been trivialized and debauched. Animal rights activists environmentalists feminists peasant revolutionaries and technopunk performers all claim to be anarchists with equal conviction and equal falsity. III. Reclaiming Anarchism Errico Malatesta and Voltairine de Cleyre distilled the essence of anarchism to encompass all the philosophies that oppose the state and abhor capitalism anarchism without adjectives. At a deeper level anarchism wishes to identify and rectify social asymmetries. The state men and the rich  are respectively more powerful than the individuals women and the poor. These are three inequalities out of many. It is the task of anarchism to fight against them. This can be done in either of two ways 1. By violently dismantling existing structures and institutions and replacing them with voluntary selfregulating organizations of free individuals. The Zapatistas movement in Mexico is an attempt to do just that. 2. Or by creating voluntary selfregulating organizations of free individuals whose functions parallel those of established hierarchies and institutions dual power. Gradually the former will replace the latter. The evolution of certain nongovernment organizations follows this path. Whichever strategy is adopted it is essential to first identify those asymmetries that underlie all others primary asymmetries vs. secondary asymmetries. Most anarchists point at the state and at the ownership of property as the primary asymmetries. The state is an asymmetrical transfer of power from the individual to a coercive and unjust social hyperstructure. Property represents the disproportionate accumulation of wealth by certain individuals. Crime is merely the natural reaction to these glaring injustices. But the state and property are secondary asymmetries not primary ones. There have been periods in human history and there have been cultures devoid of either or both. The primary asymmetry seems to be natural some people are born more clever and stronger than others. The game is skewed in their favor not because of some sinister conspiracy but because they merit it meritocracy is the foundation stone of capitalism or because they can force themselves their wishes and their priorities and preferences on others or because their adherents and followers believe that rewarding their leaders will maximize their own welfare aggression and selfinterest are the cornerstone of all social organizations. It is this primary asymmetry that anarchism must address. banking services chronicle august 2020

 banking services chronicle august 2020

banking services chronicle annual subscription

banking services chronicle annual subscription

banking services chronicle annual subscription  Published this article page no   The majority of worldwide respondents to the last two global Pew enter surveys in 2002 and 2006 regarded the United States as the greatest menace to world peace. The majority of worldwide respondents to the last two global Pew enter surveys in 2002 and 2006 regarded the United States as the greatest menace to world peace  far greater than the likes of Iraq or China. Thinkers and scholars as diverse as Christopher Lasch in The Cultural Narcissist and Theodore Millon in Personality Disorders of Everyday Life have singled out the United States as the quintessential narcissistic society. This pathology can be traced back and attributed to a confluence of historical events and processes the equivalents of trauma and abuse in an individuals early childhood. The United States of America started out as a series of loosely connected remote savage and negligible colonial outposts. The denizens of these settlements were former victims of religious persecution indentured servants lapsed nobility and other refugees. Their Declaration of Independence reads like a maudlin list of grievances coupled with desperate protestations of love and loyalty to their abuser the King of Britain. The inhabitants of the colonies defended against their perceived helplessness and very real inferiority with compensatory imagined and feigned superiority and fantasies of omnipotence. Hence the rough immutable kernel of American narcissism. The United States was until the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s and still is in some important respects a preEnlightenment white supremacist society. It is rife with superstition prejudice conspicuous religiosity intolerance philistinism and lack of social solidarity. Its religiosity is overt aggressive virulent and ubiquitous. It is replete with an eschatology which involves a changing cast of demonized enemies both political and cultural. Americans religion is a manifestation of their Chosen People Syndrome. They are missionary messianic zealous fanatical and nauseatingly selfrighteous bigoted and hypocritical. This is especially discernible in the doublespeak and doublestandard that underlies American foreign policy. American altruism is misanthropic and compulsive. They often give merely in order to control manipulate and sadistically humiliate the recipients. Narcissism is frequently comorbid with paranoia. Americans cultivate and nurture a siege mentality which leads to violent acting out and unbridled jingoism. Their persecutory delusions sit well with their adherence to social Darwinism natural selection of the fittest let the weaker fall by the wayside might is right etc.. Consequently the United states always finds itself in company with the least palatable regimes in the world together with Nazi Germany it had a working eugenics program together with the likes of Saudi Arabia it executes its prisoners it was the last developed nation to abolish slavery alone with South Africa it had instituted official apartheid in a vast swathe of its territory. Add to this volatile mix an ethos of malignant individualism racism both latent and overt a trampling no holds barred ambitiousness competitiveness frontier violencebased morality and proud simplemindedness  and an ominous portrait of the United States as a deeply disturbed polity emerges. banking services chronicle annual subscription

banking services chronicle annual subscription