competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Competition Success Review

Competition Success Review

Competition Success Review Published this article page no 30 The art of pottery is probably as old as human history. No other art traces the story of human beings on this earth as clearly as pottery does. The tides of time have washed away many civilisations but evidence of their existence remains in fragments of pottery. There are two reasons why this is true: the first is that clay is found in abundance in practically all parts of the world; the second is that clay objects are the least perishable of all materials. The history of pottery tells of the daily life of human beings their death and burial of human migration trade and conquest cultural practices and influences. As to the discovery of how clay could be manipulated to make pottery it is easy to imagine how as prehistoric communities walked through rain-soaked mud they noticed their footprints and how these impressions became hardened by the wind and sun. Exactly when human beings intentionally used these discoveries for making pottery is unknown but it may have been invented independently in many parts of the world. However the process of making a pot is a long and difficult one that has evolved over many generations of trial and experiment competition success review magazine buy.


Competition Success Review

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Drishti ias current affairs magazine in English

Drishti ias current affairs magazine in English

Drishti ias current affairs magazine in English published this article page no 36 ENVISTATS INDIA 2022Recently the National Statistics Office (NSO) came up with a publication EnviStats-India 2022 Vol. I Environment Statistics.EnviStats brings together a large number of statistics bracketed in a single publication which is sourced from the coordination of multiple public institutions.Environment statistics aims at providing statistical information to improve knowledge of the environment. It helpso to support evidence-based policy and decisionmaking. to provide information for the general public as well as for specific user groups.The data in EnviStats is categorized in six sections based on the division in Framework for Development of Environment Statistics (FDES 2013). Framework for Development of Environment Statistics (FDES 2013)The FDES 2013 is a multipurpose conceptual and statistical framework that is comprehensive and integrative in nature.The FDES is based on a conceptual foundation that considers people and their demographic social and economic activities as integral parts of and interacting with the environment drishti ias current affairs book buy

Drishti ias current affairs magazine in English