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competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Junior Science Refresher

Junior Science Refresher 

Junior Science Refresher Published this article page no  12 Access to free legal service  Additional provisions for women prisoners  Rights of prisoners sentenced to death  Modernization and prison computerization  Focus on after care services  Provisions for children of women prisoners  Organisational uniformity and increased focus on prison correctional staff  Inspection of Prisons etc. 8 o Upgradation of hospital infrastructure such as beds equipment testing facilities vehicle during medical emergency etc. are needed.  Staff All vacant staff positions need to be reassessed. Recruitment of additional staff including medical guarding correctional staff clerical etc.  Strengthening the open prison system which has come as a very modern and effective alternative to the system of closed imprisonment.  Strengthening PLVs In 2009 National Legal Services Authority (NALSA) brought out a scheme called the ParaLegal Volunteers Scheme which aimed at imparting legal training to volunteers to act as intermediaries between the common people and the Legal Services Institutions to remove impediments in access to justice ensure legal aid reaching all sections of people.  Report on Women in Prisons by Ministry of Women and Child Development in 2018 recommended o a more robust grievance redressal system and access to female counsellors or psychologists o a separate accommodation for mothers in postnatal stage to maintain hygiene and protect the infant from contagion  Law commission recommendations like o Amending the bail provisions in the Criminal Procedure Code with emphasis on the early release on bail of under trials.  Under trials who have completed onethird of the maximum sentence for offences up to seven years be released on bail Junior Science Refresher buy.   

Junior Science Refresher 

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Master In Current Affairs Magazine

Master In Current Affairs Magazine

Master In Current Affairs Magazine Published this article page no  137 BETI BACHAO BETI PADHAO SCHEME Recently, the committee report titled "Empowerment of Women through Education with Special Reference to Beti Bachao-Beti Padhao (BBBP) Scheme" was tabled in Lok Sabha. Achievements of BBBP so far During the last 6 years since its inception, the progress in terms of monitorable targets as per Health Management Information System (HMIS) of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare are as followsParameter Details Status Sex Ratio at Birth (SRB) In 2021, SRB has improved by 19 points from 918 to 937. Some districts which have shown huge improvement are Mau (Uttar Pradesh), Karnal, and Mahendergarh, Rewari (Haryana), Patiala (Punjab). Improved Health Percentage of institutional deliveries has shown an improving trend from 87% to 94% in 2019- 20. Improved Education Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) of girls in the schools at secondary level and percentage of schools with functional separate toilets for girls has improved. Improved About BBBP Scheme It was launched in 2015 at Panipat, Haryana to address a decline in child sex ratio and related issues of empowerment of girls. It brings behavioural change in the society towards birth and rights of a girl child. Scheme aims to introduce mind set change with the help of nuanced communication with the following target groups: o Primary: Young and newly married couples; Pregnant and Lactating mothers; parents o Secondary: Youth, adolescents (girls and boys), in-laws, medical doctors/ practitioners, private hospitals, nursing homes and diagnostic centres  Tertiary: Officials, PRIs; frontline workers, women SHGs/Collectives, religious leaders, voluntary organizations, media, medical associations, industry. It is a tri-ministerial convergent effort of Ministries of Women and Child Development (MoWCD), Health & Family Welfare and Education.  MoWCD is the nodal ministry. 2 major components of BBBP:- o Advocacy and Media Campaign on BBBP o Multi-Sectoral intervention in selected Districts: It has no provision for individual cash incentive components and thus is not a DBT (Direct Benefit Transfer) scheme Master In Current Affairs Magazine buy. 

Master In Current Affairs Magazine