competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Banking service chronicle august 2019 pdf

Banking service chronicle august 2019 pdf

banking service chronicle august 2019 pdf  Published this articles page no 115 . This milling technology has existed since 1950s and is being used to produce significant quantities of large heavy precision crafted products having applicability for commercial and industrial equipment machines and engines. Today with the developments taking place in the additive manufacturing (AM) sector it is expected that a major change is at the doorstep of global manufacturing processes. This technology which is commonly known as 3D printing is a mechanism of direct digital manufacturing. This would allow object creation by simply using a digital file which is having the design of the product. This file would send a signal to a printer which would be constituting the required material (say powder) and print the product as per the requirement. banking service chronicle august 2019 pdf

Banking service chronicle august 2019 pdf

gk competition success review

 gk competition success review

gk competition success review Published this articles page no 114  This technology when fully operationalised is expected to change the global energy habits. A major innovation could happen when the current nuclear fusion reactors where the hydrogen isotopes tritium and deuterium are used as the fuel would be replaced by other technology. If helium3 and deuterium could be used as fuels then a major revolution in the energy sector is expected. The helium3 is not available on the earths surface hence at present few states are undertaking missions to Moon where helium3 is available in abundance. However this entire process of getting helium3 down could take few more decades. Innovation in Modern Technology years one of the best approaches to industrial production was considered as CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machine gk competition success review

gk competition success review

Banking services chronicle august 2020

 Banking services chronicle august 2020

 banking services chronicle august 2020  Published this articles page no 113 In the power sector from nuclear power to solar power to space based solar power to biofuels various clean options have been made available. A major innovation with regard to wind turbines is getting discussed where a startup is working on an environmentally friendly aero generator which needs no blades. This is expected to be a more cost effective option. Another interesting technology/method for energy generation is by using nuclear fusion reactors. Presently much work is happening in the arena of development of nuclear fusion reactors. In southern France International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) is getting developed. banking services chronicle august 2020

Banking services chronicle august 2020